
Empowering communities through impactful action, where dedication speaks louder than display. Quietly weaving eco-friendly change that resonates beyond words. Join us as #NGOHeroes in #HopeInAction, working together to preserve Earth for future generations.
जितना कठिन संघर्ष होगा, जीत उतनी ही शानदार होगी!
#ActionSpeaksLouder #NoShowoffJustWork #NGOImpact✊🏻

Tree Plantation

We are dedicated to combating deforestation by planting trees and restoring greenery. Trees are not just symbols of life; they are life-givers. Together, let's sow the seeds of a greener, healthier planet.

Child Education

Empowering the next generation is at the heart of our efforts. We believe that education is a powerful tool for positive change. By supporting child education, we contribute to building a brighter and more sustainable future.

Help for the Elderly

Our commitment to community extends to our elderly citizens. Through various programs, we aim to provide assistance and companionship, ensuring that our seniors live with dignity and care.

Blood Donation

Every drop counts, and every donation has the potential to save a life. By encouraging regular and voluntary blood donation, we contribute to the health and vitality of our community.

Food for the Needy

Recognizing the importance of nourishment, we extend our hands to those in need. Through our initiatives, we strive to ensure that no one goes to bed hungry. It's a small step towards creating a world where everyone has access to basic necessities.

Calamity Relief

In times of crisis, we stand united. Our rapid response and relief efforts during calamities are geared towards helping communities rebuild and recover.

Let's Plant a tree with us.

We don't just plant; we nurture and care for every seed, ensuring a success rate of 96%. Join us in cultivating a greener tomorrow, where each plant is a testament to our commitment to a thriving ecosystem. Let's grow together, sustainably.
'We have got this Earth planet on lease from our future generations and not as ancestral property from our ancestors'.
#SaveMotherEarth 🌍

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Why Choose Us

Choose us because together, we are dedicated to fostering positive change, building sustainable communities, and making a lasting impact on our environment.

Let's Plant a Tree With Us

Our Works

Through our impactful initiatives and unwavering commitment, we strive to create meaningful change, empower communities, and build a brighter, sustainable future for all.


Support a Cause

Beyond a mere donation, your support acts as a potent catalyst for positive change. Together, we weave a tapestry of impact, creating ripples that touch lives, uplift communities, and safeguard our cherished Mother Earth for generations to come.

नए दौर में लिखेंगे, हम मिलकर नई कहानी…

Child Education

  • Desh Ka Bhavishy - ₹500
  • Unlock Potential - ₹1000
  • Adopt A Child - Monthly: ₹500, Yearly: ₹7500

Plant My Tree

  • Green India - ₹150
  • Birthday Tree - ₹500
  • Memorial Tree - ₹500
  • Zodiac Tree - ₹500

Help The Elderly

  • Support Seniors - ₹500
  • Senior Essential Kit - ₹1500
  • Bujurgo Ka Sanmaan - Monthly: ₹1000, Yearly: ₹12000










Happy Donators

Want to know more about Vrukshdhara.

Our Team

Our dedicated team comprises passionate individuals committed to driving positive change, working collaboratively to make a meaningful impact and create a better future for all.
Together, we are the stewards of change, nurturing a greener tomorrow through collective passion and purpose.

Er. Om Barewar

Founder, Chairperson

Er. Nitesh Barewar

Co-Founder, Vice Chairperson

Rakesh Damahe

President, Operations

Ajay Damahe

Vice President, Operations

Ajay Barewar


Geersing Dhekwar

President, Marketing

Yogesh Barewar

Vice President, Marketing

Mohendra Chikhlonde

Programme Manager

Media Spotlight

See how our initiatives have captured the media spotlight, amplifying our mission and bringing attention to the positive transformations we are spearheading in our communities.

Get In Touch

If you have inquiries or would like to engage in supporting our commitment to a green environment, please do not hesitate to get in touch.


Nagra, Gondia, MH - 441601, India